Blogging Through The Season - Day 10

DAY 10- David and the Seasoned Praise
Carol Deane
Much can be said about the Bible character David; but the most repeated phrase is ‘He was a man after God’s heart’. Notwithstanding, David’s life was one of constant pitfalls, disobeying God in many ways, and yet worshipping through many Psalms. The quality that stood out the most about David for me- was his ability to genuinely repent for his disobedience and never repeating his mistakes. Although he was disobedient in his youth, he allowed the experiences to make him wise enough to acknowledge that he needed to establish a genuine relationship with God; and this he did.
According to Winzen (2012), there were some outstanding moments in David’s life that distinguished him as a prototype of Christ. One such notable moment was his fight with Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. At a time when faith and spirit had left the Israelites and their king- Saul, only David dared to answer the giant’s blasphemies. He jumped into the breach, without armor, as a true soldier of his God. He knew that “not with sword or spear does the Lord deliver, for the battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47). With a sling and five stones, David overcame Goliath (17:5). This is emblematic of Christ, the one who overcame Satan’s blasphemies by jumping into the breach to give His life for the whole world conquering the power of hell and the grave. That day, 1 Samuel 18:7 tells us that David’s victory illicit dances and songs of praise from the women.
Another notable moment we recall from the life of David was his dance before the Lord in 2 Samuel 6:14-18. His worship was not superficial but came from the depth of his very being. It came from the love which he shared with his Creator, and the knowledge of who God really was to him. His praise was his unashamed and unapologetic acknowledgment of God’s character and goodness. It was testament that when we experience God personally, we cannot help but embody the spirit of exultation. Like David, despite our critics and those who stand in the place of God to judge us (like his wife Michal judged him); we should praise God from the depths of our beings with seasoned praise. Seasoned praises have witnessed highs and lows, victories, and defeats, and is the kind of praise that has always been the object of God’s affection. It will also be the subject of God’s judgement, because we were created to praise Him. So, like David, let us always give Him preeminence in our life before it’s too late (Philippians 2:10-11).
But David did not always give God preeminence in his life, and he paid dearly for it. At the end of his years, he strongly stated that he would exalt God and set Him before everything else (Psalm 138:2). David personalized his praise, and like him, we too - each one of us - has a personal, unique praise. There is a song of praise that belongs to you and you alone - a song of victory and triumph; a song of perseverance and endurance; a song about God’s incredible love, grace, mercy, and provision that only you can sing. Like David, I can surely say that my praise belongs to me! If I do not sing it, then no one will. If I do not thank God for all he has done for me, no one will... Because no one can praise Him for me like I can.
David’s life proves that one does not have to be perfect to hold God’s attention and to fulfill destiny. He was not the strongest of his brothers, and he was not the most educated. Instead, he was the one who tended the sheep, a nobody in the sight of others. A man who made mistakes and committed one sin after the other, yet he found favor with God; because while men look at the outward appearance, God examines the heart. David understood the true meaning of relationships. It is a two-way experience; he knew that when he praised, God would draw near to Him. David therefore glorified God from the experience of a relationship with him, and God in turn blessed him. David’s life inspires hope for me because I have made several choices in my youth which would have caused God quite a lot of grief. I am positive that although man still looks at my outward appearance, God can see my heart and within the very depths of my soul. I will ensure that for the rest of my life He sees praise and gratitude for mercy and grace bestowed upon me.
Have a happy and worshipful Advent!

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